规模:研究范围为8平方公里的那香海旅游度假片区,陆域规划面积0.86平方公里 the Dream Sea tourism resort area, planning land 0.86 km²

地址:山东威海荣成北部海岸 North coastline of Rongcheng, Weihai, Shandong

  • 距热门旅游海岛鸡鸣岛仅约2公里,是登岛航线的唯一陆域起点
  • 三面环海,海岸线长达4公里,景观视野极佳
  • 场地被密布的黑松防护林带多重分割,加上海岸带建设退线的限制,实际可建设用地局促且零碎
  • The Site is 2km from the popular tourist island named Jiming island, at the only land-based starting point for sailing to Jiming island;
  • It is surrounded by sea in north, west and east. Excellent view with 4km coastline;
  • Protective Forest of Japanese Black Pine cover on the site and divide the land into multiple partition,with the addition of red line set back from coastline, the actual land available for construction is limited and fragmented.

理念与策略Concept and strategies

  • 将岛上旅游准备项目前置,减少发展对岛屿的生态压力,并将这些项目与小镇日常服务结合,降低潮汐人流对设施的效率影响
  • 巧妙利用林间空地布局若干建设组团,营造松林环抱的生态底景,并在建筑立面造型上建立与自然语汇的交流对话,通过底层甚至2、3层的局部架空,使人工建筑“消隐”于环境中
  • 从场地中央到两侧海岸建筑高度递减,形成迎合半岛地理逻辑的天际线形态,也使更多建筑可直接面海;
  • 利用脊骨状干线道路组织景观序列,从开阔田园到林间草甸,再到松林掩映,一步步渲染度假氛围,同时培养登临海岛前的期待感
  • Pre-set the island tourism preparation projects at the land site, to reduce ecological pressure at the island cause by tourism development. And combine tourism projects with daily service on town together, lower the impacts on efficiency of facilities from tide people flow;
  • By ingeniously use the space between Japanese Black Pine to develop several construction groups, create an eco-background that surrounded by the pine tree. Through architectural façade and modeling to establish a dialogue with natural language, through ground floor, two to three middle floor’s overhead public space to make the artificial building “disappear” in the environment;
  • The height of the buildings decrease from the centre of the site to coastline, forming a skyline that caters to the geographical logic of the peninsula, make more buildings to face the sea directly;
  • use spine shape arterial road to organize landscape sequence, from the open field to forest meadow and pinewood shadowing, rendering the vacation atmosphere step by step, and raising expectation before reach to the island.