Architecture design of Yinhu town(north zone)
Yinhu town is located in south-east of down town of Jinghua, Zhejiang province. Gross construction land 73565㎡, gross floor area 146100㎡, floor area ratio 1.27.
项目以人为本,力求处理好住宅、人、环境多者的关系、努力创造出有特色、生态、健康、安全的高端居住小区, 项目配套有幼儿园。所有的建筑都面向南侧吕塘水库,

最大化的使住宅主朝向面向水库景观资源,大幅提高居住舒适性。建筑造型采用新亚洲风格。小区住宅立面以稳重、流畅、韵律为取向,突出鲜明的个性和强烈的时代感。This project is people-oriented, strives to deal well with the relationship between housing, people and the environment,and try to create distinctive, ecological, healthy and safe high-end residential community, meanwhile supported with kindergarten. All the architectures are facing to Lvtang reservoir at the southside, maximize the main orientation of the apartments towards to best landscape condition, improve the living comfort greatly;The architectural style adopts neo-Asian style, show the beauty of steady, fluency and rhythm on façade, outstanding distinctive personality and strong sense of modern.