- 规模:4.5平方公里
- 地址:福建晋江金井镇
- 沿海大道完全割裂了场地与海之间的联系并高于场地。
- 旧的养殖场地有固有的海水循环系统。
- Scale: 4.5 km2
- Location: Jinjing, Jinjiang, Fujian
- The existingcoastal road fully separates the connection between the site and the sea and is higher than the site.
- The old breeding area has its traditional seawater recycle system
- 重塑临海生活。
- 保持和利用原有的海水循环系统。
- Rebuild the coastal living hood.
- Reserve and utilizethe original seawater recycle system.