On the architectural style, the whole commercial building group tries to imitate California towns in terms of building mass, colours and materials, which forms a pleasant commercial space in terms of the atmosphere and scale, satisfying the request on personality, humanity and internationalization.


  • 多功能的城市客厅 广场应为不同年龄、不同背景、不同层次、不同区域、不同种族、不同生活方式的人的多样化活动提供支持。
  • “城市文化展示”与“广场型商业”的结合,西侧设置文化广场和小型博物馆。
  • Multi-functional urban living room—the square space provides various activities to people from different background.
  • The combination between “urban culture exhibition” and “plaza-type commerce”; cultural square and small-scale museum have be set on the west part of the site