• 规模:规模:2.9平方公里 Scale: 2.9 km2
  • 地址:杭州·龙坞 Location: Longwu, Hangzhou
  • 临近杭州,是传统上龙井茶的核心产地。政府原整体搬迁的构想会彻底破坏人文和空间肌理,我们选择全面保留。单纯空间环境改善不能达成目标。
  • Near Hangzhou, the site is the central growing area of Longjing Green Tea. The formal plan raised by the local government which is to remove all the local inhabitants on site has the risk to destroy the original texture in terms of humanity and the space; we explores an opposite way instead with the challenge that purely improving on special environment cannot reach the goal.


  • 存在优先的原则,对待自然与社会生态。
  • 从文化和社会生活研究找寻解决方案。
  • Treat the social and natural environment with respect to the principle of the existing priority,
  • Find the possible solution through study on cultural and social life.